Yet Another Warmist Group Says Communist Dictatorship “Looks Very Attractive”

What is with the warmist’s love affair with communist dictatorships? Yet another group of committed climate change worriers has come out to declare their abiding admiration for Chinese-style dictatorship.

The Islington and Hackney Carbon Reduction Action Group (how annoying do they sound?) have posted a notice to say that they are no longer trading carbon with each other, due to the fact that there are now only four people willing to trade carbon with each other, and no one wants to do the maths:

Back in 2006, I thought that personal carbon allowances would be a great leveller in more ways that just in terms of carbon emissions and perhaps that would be a good thing. But now I think that even moderate greens living in our energy intensive, consumer driven western economies would be perfectly happy to buy up carbon credits from another person without feeling much guilt or being too concerned about the morality of it . . .

Looking at the global stage, back in 2006 I would never have believed that so little would be achieved at the international climate conferences over the following 4 years. But until politicians in the West, accept that the largest per capita emitters have to make the largest emissions reductions, and they can find a way of getting the electorate to still vote for them, progress is going to be slow. The Chinese system of command and control government seems very attractive from afar.

Islington and Hackney CRAG Stops Trading Carbon.

As The Register points out, the group managed to reduce their carbon emissions to 3.36 tons per person per year by “heroic” efforts, but their Co2 emissions were still way above the supposedly “sustainable” emissions levels of 0.5 tons.

Sadly for the Islington and Hackney Carbon Reduction Action Group, and warmists everywhere, the sort of WWII sacrifices that Greens are calling for are just not going to happen in a democracy, which perhaps explains the evident longing for the Chinese Communist “command and control” style of Government where they can just tell people what to do (for their own good, of course).

24 responses to “Yet Another Warmist Group Says Communist Dictatorship “Looks Very Attractive”

  1. Wow – it’s worse than we thought. The minutes of the group’s meetings, as from its formation in 2007, show that the group comprised *nine* people in these two populous London Boroughs. The greens are coming …!

  2. Yay China! Black jails, torture, indefinite detention for everyone who disagrees! Every Greens wet dream!

    • Let’s home the group has learnt from this experience about the virtual impossibility of reducing global carbon emissions in the timescales they advocate. In 10 years time manmade co2 will have shown an upward trend. Only in the long-run will it possibly come down due to technological advances but that’s about it. The nutters are deluding themselves.

  3. “The Islington and Hackney Carbon Reduction Action Group” – Jesus. H. Christ, I need a lie down….

  4. Graphic Conception

    Absolutely priceless … !
    The funniest blog post ever.

    On a more serious note: “The Chinese system of command and control government seems very attractive from afar.”

    Let’s keep it “afar”.

  5. May I propose a more appropriate acronym for these prissy busybodies:

    The Carbon Reduction Action Party.

  6. When will these idiots learn mathematics?

    The UK is responsible for just 1.84% of annual global CO2 emissions.

    China contributes 22.3%

    Annual growth of Chinese emissions is larger than the UK annual total.

    So there is no possible way the UK can affect future global CO2 emissions as it is ‘cancelled out’ by China.

    Even if the UK were somehow to reduce emissions to zero it would make absolutely no difference.

    If these idiots were interested in averting potential future climate change rather than posturing they would lobby China (or simply give up and do something useful, like make a cup of tea).

    What stops all this simply being comical is that the sheer noise these innumerates make has encouraged opportunistic politicians to sign up to insane emissions reduction targets, and to embark on a course of energy infrastructure planning so flawed that it will almost certainly be a serious problem for the UK in the next few years.

    This ‘clean energy’ madness is financed by the renewables obligation and now the feed-in tariff, both of which are simply fed back to consumers by energy suppliers in the form of inflated energy bills.

    This makes the RO and the FIT nothing more than stealth regressive taxes.

    So in the end, all the preening and rhetoric about ‘low-carbon lifestyles’ just ends up pushing the elderly and low-income families further into energy poverty.

    Great. What a result eh?

    And the silly carbon counters in Islington or wherever still just do not get it.

    • I’ve read that somewhere before, but I’ve forgotten the link. Do you have one?

      It might also be instructive to work out how much the annual increase of CO2 emissions in China compares to the annual decrease in emissions in both the UK and the EU. Might be a useful counter-argument to the Eco-loons who want to adopt Chinese totalitarianism.

  7. These elitists love the idea of a communist dictatorship because they’re absolutely convinced that their superior sensibilities will put them at an upper level of the hierarchy; the apparatchiks and kommissars.

    What they forget is that after the revolution, the idealists and intellectuals are put against the wall, and the thugs are brought in to run things.



  8. Pirran

    I use the official data prepared by the US Dept of Energy Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre (CDIAC) for the UN.

    US Department of Energy Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre (CDIAC) ; year shown 2007.

    This data set became available in July 2010 and is the current standard reference.

    View all national data here:

    View UK-specific data here:

    View as a complete table here:

  9. Pirran

    I’ve just replied to you at 7:07pm above, but held up in moderation because of the links…

  10. Pirran

    Unfortunately, the carbon counters simply switch the argument around, saying things like ‘well we (UK) are just exporting our emissions to China – it’s still all our fault’.

    This is of course to ignore the fact that Chinese industrialisation (development) and political strategy is predicated on the creation of a huge internal market driven by a rapidly emerging consumer class.

    So in future, irrespective of how much of our emissions the UK ‘exports’, China will still be the dominant driver of global atmospheric CO2 emissions increase.

    With plenty of help from Brasil, India etc.

    No amount of whining, left-liberal middle-class guilt and basic innumeracy will change that.

    • @BBD

      Sorry for not replying sooner, but I’ve had a bunch to do. Many thanks for all the links and info.

      Always instructive to see how the other side will spin, not to mention the extraordinary greenery of Neodymium magnet production in China. I haven’t seen that mentioned by Moonbat, but perhaps I haven’t been looking.

      Now replying in the right place!

  11. “The Chinese system of command and control government seems very attractive from afar.”

    Everything about China seems “very attractive from afar” to greens.

    It’s the cold reality of what exactly that means once it’s close up is what they seem too willing to ignore. Or think will never apply to them if their dream is ever implemented.

    • @BBD

      Sorry for not replying sooner, but I’ve had a bunch to do. Many thanks for all the links and info.

      Always instructive to see how the other side will spin, not to mention the extraordinary greenery of Neodymium magnet production in China. I haven’t seen that mentioned by Moonbat, but perhaps I haven’t been looking.

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  13. Typos:
    Let’s hoPe…

  14. Pingback: Eye on Britain (2)

  15. “What is with the warmist’s love affair with communist dictatorships?”

    should be

    What is with the would-be communist dictators’ love affair with warmism?

    which is easy to answer. An opportunity.

  16. “What is with the warmist’s love affair with communist dictatorships?”

    This is where all the Communists went after the fall of the USSR — radical environmentalism is just the latest smoke screen for the World-Wide Revolution.

    These people are slow learners.

  17. Isn’t part of the problem here about energy supply? Surely we all face cataclysmic shortages and suffering unless the UK reduces its fossil fuel reliance as it does not have the same national resources as a country like China. I think the point about ‘carbon rationing’ is that it will happen anyway when the oil runs out, so why not instigate sooner and ease the transition?

    • i don’t personally believe the UK or any other country faces cataclysmic shortages, there is plenty of energy sources left (shale gas for instance). That being said, I also believe that renewable energy can and will provide much more of the energy we need and sooner than many people think. It simply needs a step-change in innovation. I laugh when so called contrarians follow the line that renewables won’t every cut it because they aren’t perfect already. That’s like looking at a Model T Ford and saying cars will never improve.

      The problem with the carbon tax approach is that it’s a regressive and punitive measure that seeks to engineer behaviour rather than provide solutions that increase overall well-being. It will hit poorer people unfairly, regardless of any promises made (fancy being a mum of two young kids and paying the carbon tax then? Or an OAP who feels the cold?).

      Personally – magic wand time just for kicks here – a global Tobin tax on share and derivatives trading to fund R&D into renewables and then implement the best solutions. At the moment you have countries like Germany spouting rubbish about climate change whilst building DOZENS of new coal-fired power stations. Something stinks there.

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